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Can You be jailed for credit card debts?

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Have you been having difficulty paying your credit card bill? You're not the only one. Almost everyone in the United States struggles with debt. When you have mountains of credit-card debt, the feeling can be overwhelming. Do not fear to take on your credit card debt.

You won't go to jail for not paying your credit cards

It's illegal to threaten you with arrest for not paying a debt. This is a violation of federal law and it's usually only used by aggressive debt collectors who are trying to pressure you into paying up.

Debtor’s prison is a tactic used by debt collectors. They use it to force you to pay a higher amount than you are able to afford. This was a popular way of getting people to pay their debts, but has fallen out of favour as other ways of collecting debts, like bankruptcy, have become more popular.

The law does not punish you for failing to pay a credit card.

If you're in arrears on your payments you won't get thrown into jail unless you have a lawsuit filed against you by your creditor. In this situation, a judge will decide what you owe.

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You can garnish your wages, or have money taken from your bank without your permission. This may also give them the right to put a lien on property that you own in order for them to collect your debt.

You can fight this by contacting your attorney and asking them to help you with the paperwork. You can also ask them to work with the court in order to stop the lawsuit, or settle the case for less than what you owe.

Can I go to prison for not paying my credit card debts?

You may have heard that if you are sued by your creditor for not paying a debt, you could go to prison. The state in which you live and the kind of debt that you owe will determine the amount.

Other types of debts that can be treated seriously include taxes and child support. A criminal charge may also be filed against you. If a debtor or lawyer brings a criminal charge against you, you can be jailed for not paying child support and taxes.

You won't be sent to prison for not paying a credit card bill if the statute of limitations has passed. The debt must be older than the statutes of limitations.

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Bruce McClary is the vice president of communication for the National Foundation for Credit Counseling. He says it's better to confront your credit card debt or other unpaid accounts than to ignore them.

While not going to jail for not paying your credit card bills is very rare, there are many other negative consequences that can come from not paying your debts, including a negative impact on your credit score and the likelihood of a lawsuit. A lawyer is necessary in every case.


How can a beginner make passive money?

Start with the basics, learn how to create value for yourself, and then find ways to make money from that value.

You may have some ideas. If you do, great! But if you don't, start thinking about where you could add value and how you could turn those thoughts into action.

Finding a job that matches your interests and skills is the best way to make money online.

There are many ways to make money while you sleep, such as by creating websites and apps.

If you are more interested in writing, reviewing products might be a good option. Or if you're creative, you might consider designing logos or artwork for clients.

No matter what you choose to concentrate on, it is important that you pick something you love. It will be a long-lasting commitment.

Once you have discovered a product or service that you are passionate about helping others purchase, you need to figure how to market it.

This can be done in two ways. One is to charge a flat rate for your services (like a freelancer), and the second is to charge per project (like an agency).

In both cases, once you have set your rates you need to make them known. This can be done via social media, emailing, flyers, or posting them to your list.

To increase your chances of success, keep these three tips in mind when promoting your business:

  1. You are a professional. When you work in marketing, act like one. You never know who will be reviewing your content.
  2. Know what you are talking about. Before you start to talk about your topic, make sure that you have a thorough understanding of the subject. After all, no one likes a fake expert.
  3. Emailing everyone in your list is not spam. You can send a recommendation to someone who has asked for it.
  4. Make sure you have a reliable email provider. Yahoo Mail and Gmail are both free and easy-to-use.
  5. You can monitor your results by tracking how many people open your emails, click on links and sign up to your mailing lists.
  6. Measuring your ROI is a way to determine which campaigns have the highest conversions.
  7. Get feedback - Ask your friends and family if they are interested in your services and get their honest feedback.
  8. Try different strategies - you may find that some work better than others.
  9. Continue to learn - keep learning so that you remain relevant as a marketer.

What is personal financial planning?

Personal finance means managing your money to reach your goals at work and home. This involves knowing where your money is going, what you can afford, as well as balancing your wants and needs.

By mastering these skills, you'll become financially independent, which means you don't depend on anyone else to provide for you. You can forget about worrying about rent, utilities, or any other monthly bills.

And learning how to manage your money doesn't just help you get ahead. It makes you happier. When you feel good about your finances, you tend to be less stressed, get promoted faster, and enjoy life more.

Who cares about personal finances? Everyone does! Personal finance is the most popular topic on the Internet. Google Trends shows that searches for "personal finances" have increased by 1,600% in the past four years.

People now use smartphones to track their money, compare prices and create wealth. These people read blogs like this one and watch YouTube videos about personal finance. They also listen to podcasts on investing.

According to Bankrate.com Americans spend on average four hours per day watching TV, listening and playing music, browsing the Internet, reading books, and talking to friends. It leaves just two hours each day to do everything else important.

Personal finance is something you can master.

What's the best way to make fast money from a side-hustle?

You can't just create a product that solves someone's problem to make quick money if you want to really make it happen.

You must also find a way of establishing yourself as an authority in any niche that you choose. It is important to establish a good reputation online as well offline.

Helping others solve their problems is a great way to build a name. Ask yourself how you can be of value to your community.

After answering that question, it's easy to identify the areas in which you are most qualified to work. There are many ways to make money online.

But when you look closely, you can see two main side hustles. The one involves selling direct products and services to customers. While the other involves providing consulting services.

Each approach has pros and cons. Selling products or services gives you instant satisfaction because you get paid immediately after you have shipped your product.

On the flip side, you might not reach the level of success you desire unless you spend time developing relationships with potential clients. These gigs can be very competitive.

Consulting allows you to grow and manage your business without the need to ship products or provide services. However, it takes time to become an expert on your subject.

You must learn to identify the right clients in order to be successful at each option. This takes some trial and errors. But it will pay off big in the long term.

How do wealthy people earn passive income through investing?

There are two ways you can make money online. You can create amazing products and services that people love. This is what we call "earning money".

The second is to find a method to give value to others while not spending too much time creating products. This is what we call "passive" or passive income.

Let's say that you own an app business. Your job is development apps. Instead of selling apps directly to users you decide to give them away free. Because you don't rely on paying customers, this is a great business model. Instead, you rely upon advertising revenue.

Customers may be charged monthly fees in order to sustain your business while you are building it.

This is how internet entrepreneurs who are successful today make their money. They are more focused on providing value than creating stuff.

What's the difference between passive income vs active income?

Passive income can be defined as a way to make passive income without any work. Active income is earned through hard work and effort.

Your active income comes from creating value for someone else. It is when someone buys a product or service you have created. Selling products online, writing ebooks, creating websites, and advertising your business are just a few examples.

Passive income is great because it allows you to focus on more important things while still making money. But most people aren't interested in working for themselves. Therefore, they opt to earn passive income by putting their efforts and time into it.

The problem with passive income is that it doesn't last forever. You might run out of money if you don't generate passive income in the right time.

Also, you could burn out if passive income is not generated in a timely manner. Start now. If you wait to start earning passive income, you might miss out opportunities to maximize the potential of your earnings.

There are three types or passive income streams.

  1. These include starting a business, owning a franchise or becoming a freelancer. You could also rent the property, such as real-estate, to other people.
  2. These include stocks and bonds and mutual funds. ETFs are also investments.
  3. Real Estate - These include buying land, flipping houses and investing in real estate.

Why is personal finance important?

For anyone to be successful in life, financial management is essential. We live in a world where money is tight, and we often have to make difficult decisions about how to spend our hard-earned cash.

Why do we delay saving money? Is it not better to use our time or energy on something else?

Yes, and no. Yes, because most people feel guilty if they save money. It's not true, as more money means more opportunities to invest.

As long as you keep yourself focused on the bigger picture, you'll always be able to justify spending your money wisely.

It is important to learn how to control your emotions if you want to become financially successful. Focusing on the negative aspects in your life will make it difficult to think positive thoughts.

Unrealistic expectations may also be a factor in how much you will end up with. You don't know how to properly manage your finances.

These skills will prepare you for the next step: budgeting.

Budgeting means putting aside a portion every month for future expenses. Planning will allow you to avoid buying unnecessary items and provide sufficient funds to pay your bills.

You now have the knowledge to efficiently allocate your resources and can start to see a brighter financial future.


  • Mortgage rates hit 7.08%, Freddie Mac says Most Popular (marketwatch.com)
  • These websites say they will pay you up to 92% of the card's value. (nerdwallet.com)
  • Etsy boasted about 96 million active buyers and grossed over $13.5 billion in merchandise sales in 2021, according to data from Statista. (nerdwallet.com)
  • 4 in 5 Americans (80%) say they put off financial decisions, and 35% of those delaying those decisions say it's because they feel overwhelmed at the thought of them. (nerdwallet.com)
  • While 39% of Americans say they feel anxious when making financial decisions, according to the survey, 30% feel confident and 17% excited, suggesting it is possible to feel good when navigating your finances. (nerdwallet.com)

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How To

How to Make Money online

It is much easier to make money online than it was 10 years ago. It is changing how you invest your money. While there are many methods to generate passive income, most require significant upfront investment. Some methods are easier than others. But if you want to make real money online, there are some things you should consider before investing your hard-earned cash into anything.

  1. Find out what type of investor are you. You might be attracted to PTC sites (Pay per Click), which pay you for clicking ads. However, if long-term earning potential is more important to you, you might consider affiliate marketing opportunities.
  2. Do your research. Before you make a commitment to any program, do your research. Read through reviews, testimonials, and past performance records. You don't want your time or energy wasted only to discover that the product doesn’t work.
  3. Start small. Don't jump straight into one large project. Instead, build something small first. This will let you gain experience and help you determine if this type of business suits you. After you feel confident enough, you can start working on larger projects.
  4. Get started now! It's never too late to start making money online. Even if it's been years since you last worked full-time, you still have enough time to build a solid portfolio niche websites. You just need a good idea, and some determination. Get started today and get involved!


Can You be jailed for credit card debts?